The Story of RU Mine

This is the story of RU Mine, Ryerson University's dating app turned social media icon.

Posted on November 20, 2022
The following is taken from my RU Social GitHub repository which contains all the code, system designs, takeaways, technology choices, and more.

ru mine logo

The date is January 14, 2020. You've come up with a funny idea to make a dating app for your university (at the time, Ryerson University) while working out. It will be called RU Mine (get it?). You message your friends, tell them your idea, and a close friend of yours agrees to make it with you. You tell him, "If the domain is available, I will build it".

It was available.

Thus started the journey to make Ryerson's dating app, which permanently shifted the culture of the school and lead to the development of a social network that impacted thousands of Ryerson students. A story that involves fierce competition, crashing servers, DDoS attacks, sleepless nights, hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and countless stories of love and cheating. This is the story of RU Mine, Ryerson University's dating app turned social media icon.

The Idea

It's true; I really came up with the idea for RU Mine while working out. I really did tell my friends and agreed to build it on the condition that the domain was available. My close friend and I decided that it would be a dating app made specifically for Ryerson Students, and we would verify their school in the age-old way, using their student email address.

We quickly mapped out some features we wanted this app to have; all-inclusivity, missed connections, mutual courses, private and encrypted private messages. We threw all of these features onto an HTML template and put it up on the internet. Now it was time to see what Ryerson felt about it.

Testing the waters

It was January 17th, the day we decided to launch the site to the Ryerson community through a few Ryerson Instagram pages. Around 12:20pm, the pages that agreed to spread the word fired out our posts. "RU Mine, dating app for Ryerson Students, coming March 2020". The description instructed students that were interested in the platform to visit the link in their bio to sign-up for the waitlist.

This waitlist acted as a great metric to understand if anyone would even download this app. With around 900 waitlist signups by the end of the week and a lot of buzz on Instagram, we decided to go ahead with the plan.


Now we needed to spread the word about RU Mine beyond Instagram. My friend came up with the great idea to plaster stickers around campus with our logo, a small message, and a URL to our site. We bought sticker paper online, printed our stickers at home, cut them in the school's printshop, and began to plaster them around campus one night.

We spent hours running around campus slapping stickers onto anything and everything. Extra attention was given to covering Bumble stickers :) We gave piles of stickers to friends and asked them to plaster them around campus. We finally finished our stack of a few hundred stickers around 9pm, celebrated in the campus bar, and prepared the post for the next morning.

That next morning we posted a call out; "If you take a photo of our stickers and post it, you will be entered into a contest to win movie tickets". Our followers went out and found stickers all around campus, and posted pictures for that entire week. Students that had no idea what "RU Mine" was and why there were stickers everywhere were even intrigued enough to follow.



Around this time, we were contacted by a few student newspapers that wanted to know who we were and what in the world RU Mine was. We accepted and did our first interview the day after our sticker extravaganza. It went to print and was posted online on January 22nd. We discussed our progress, our plans, explained who we were, and why Ryerson should be excited about it.

We were also approached by a larger student news outlet, which interviewed us a few days after our initial student-news debut. That student journalist asked us some good questions about our algorithm, how we plan to diversify ourselves from the likes of Tinder and Bumble, what students can expect, and if we had ever heard of an Instagram page that was planning to do a similar match-making thing.

We hadn't.


We got back to our desks at the library and quickly tried to figure out what this Instagram match-making page was. It was planning (key word is planning) to do a "missed connections" type of thing over Instagram posts. They were already making some bold statements that we had somehow copied their idea. Crazy, but expected.

We did what any sane business people would do. We purchased domains that were similar to ours and fit the niche we were targeting, made it clear that we were separate, and continued on our way.

The competition was not a fan of that. They approached the reporter from the second news outlet and explained that we had infringed on their idea, and we were stealing the audience they had grown (an audience size in which we had eclipsed a week prior). The reporter asked us for comment, to which we told the reporter that this is just business, and the other page had not started yet, so how could we possibly copy them?

That article never ended up being printed unfortunately. It would've helped us at the time, but we continued on.

That's it from the competition, right?

Of course not. In retaliation to us, they had purchased domains similar to ours, started an online presence and vowed to create an app "better than RU Mine" (which had not existed yet). As with any and all copycats, it fizzled into oblivian and was forgotten about.


We needed to get viral within our community. Our followers were growing, but slowly, and we really wanted to make an impact on launch. As with many dating apps, you need what is called critical mass to exist: just enough people on the app that new people decide to join to see what's going on. It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation if you really play it out.

We needed a massive amount of users right at launch.

Thus started our campaign to make content that matched the language of our generation, memes. We poked fun at other local universities, made memes about the state of our own school, and always made a callback to our app. Some of the memes were dumb, some were pretty funny; but they managed to work, and we watched our follower count steadily climb.

Cupid's Arrow, 2020 Valentine's Day Special

In our short press run with the school, we had mentioned that we were planning to do a Valentine's Day special. We hadn't gone into specifics in the article, mainly because we had no specifics at the time. We just made it up while we were talking in the interview. The beauty of winging it.

It was time to deliver on that promise. We set out to develop a match-making service (eat your heart out, competition), that used an online questionnaire to match students to other potential student matches. We built up a frontend that included 15 quick multiple choice questions, including romantic interests, hobbies, vacation hotspots, and preferred elevators in the student centre.

We collected hundreds of entries over the course of a week or so. We had given ourselves 2 days to calculate the results and post them on February 12th.

Penguins at Work

Those two days were intense. We knew we had to do matrix multiplication in-order to calculate the individual scores of each user relative to each and every other student. We knew it was an O(n2) problem. We didn't realize how much computation it would take.

Thankfully, the night before release, we managed to get our program to be multi-threaded, and we threw it onto a 16 core, 32 thread 1U server I had in my basement. I wasn't home when it was on, but I have reports (from my brother) that the fans were operating at such a high noise level that he thought it may spontaneously combust. Thankfully, it didn't.

It took about an hour until we had our CSVs ready to be imported into PostgreSQL. We met up on the "loud floor" of our student centre and ran some data analysis on the scores, just for fun. We found the data so interesting that we released graphs of our findings alongside their top 5 matches.

I spent that entire night, long into the morning, building an HTML/CSS/JS/PHP page to host our results. We launched at around 10 in the morning to much student acclaim.

Meetups and Partnerships

Once the craziness of Valentine's Day was over, we turned our attention back to getting RU Mine's name out there into the school. We decided doing a "Tims and Chill" (For my international friends, that is Tim Horton's, a coffee shop), where we purchased jugs of coffee and packs of donuts to be given out for free in one of the halls. It worked out really well, despite this looming threat of an unknown virus. We only lost a handful of hand sanitziers (pun intended), and nobody got sick. Woo!

We were also in discussion with a student that wanted to open a coffee shop (and since has) to make our own brand of coffee with him, to be served during a pop up. Due to COVID-19 it fell through, but we were surprisingly close to having our own coffee floating around campus.

We partnered with a handful of student groups as well, anything to get the name out there.


That mysterious virus that everyone was scared of? Surprise, it was COVID-19.

The school and life is now shut down for "2 weeks" while they figure out what to do next. I was now trapped in my basement with nothing to do besides develop an app. And develop an app is exactly what I did.

Python Development

I began developing our original backend in Python using Django. I had used Django a handful of times before, but not on anything too serious. I had built the REST API skeleton I was looking for, and it was time to start filling in the application code to really make the thing tick. I was using PostgreSQL as the database, and was not wanting to switch to SQLite3. So I opted to try a handful of PostgreSQL libraries.

Long story short, after a lot of testing, I just couldn't find a solid amount of documentation that made sense of what I was trying to accomplish. On top of the issues with Python and PostgreSQL, I couldn't find a solid way of doing Javascript Web Tokens (JWTs), which would be the authentication strategy for RU Mine.

I decided I needed to switch. I debated on using ASP.NET since I had a lot of recent experience designing and building a JWE (encrypted variant of JWTs) authentication platform at work, but I opted in for my first programming love, Java. All I had to do was find a framework.

Enter Spring Boot.

The Switch to Java

Time was ticking. We had promised a March release and at this point it was March 17th and I was starting from zero. No mobile app, no frontend mockups, and no backend. It was time to go hard.

I spent the next ~4 days coding day and night, hardly sleeping, to get a backend finished and ready to go. After a lot of work, and some hitches along the way, it was finally done. I had been testing as I went along, but I didn't have time to write unit tests; I figured I would just test it as I was developing the mobile app.

Mobile App Development

The speed coding shifted from Java over to React-Native, with really no end in sight. I had both iOS and Android simulators and my Spring-Boot backend running all at the same time. My poor laptop was chugging, but it got through it.

We had some rough ideas of what we wanted our UI to look like, but nothing concrete. I picture my time building the original RU Mine UI like how a musician may tell a luthier they want more "power" and "tone" in their violin; abstract feelings and thoughts that somehow have to be translated to something physical (in my case, sorta physical). Nonetheless, as do the luthiers, I managed to make something of these abstract thoughts.

After ~6 days of finger numbing programming, we had the very first RU Mine UI. She was ugly as all hell, but damn it, she worked (Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't as "modern" as we had wanted). I sped off to hook it all up to the backend functions, testing everything as intensely as I possibly could.

Finally, it was time to submit it to Google and Apple.

App Store Approvals

If you ever released an app, you know this step all to well; there is always something wrong with something you did and it must be fixed before they can even bare to test it. Or, maybe, they typed the password in the email field and email in the password field (seriously, this happened to me). There's always something that goes wrong at this point, and given that it was now March 27, we really didn't have time for much to go wrong.

After a few back and forth submissions to both Apple and Google for various stupid reasons, Apple finally gave us the greenlight.

It was now just Google. Google, the app store that had software moderators verify the binary was now holding us up. Great.

We waited, and waited, and seriously considered releasing the app without Android.

But finally, Google pulled through. At what felt like the eleventh hour, they approved our app. It was now around 7pm on March 29th; the day that is now known as the day RU Mine launched.

Night of the Release

I was in my bedroom when I got the notification that the Play Store accepted our binary. I quickly passed on the news to my partner and asked if he thought we were ready.

We gave it one more walkthru, and then we released it to the world.

Within the first hour we had 700 users on the app, and it was climbing fast. Critical mass was a success.

I had my screen open with my hardware metrics and the logs for the application server. It was absolutely flying by, you couldn't make anything out even if you tried.

We had a small issue: things felt slow and sluggish. So slow and sluggish that some people were clicking buttons multiple times which sent bad data to the application server, just to be rejected and asked to complete this same call again. Server loads were fine, what was going on?

I cleared off other applications running on the server as best as I could, but RU Mine was going through it's first performance bottleneck squeeze.

Putting Out Fires

The server is slowly seizing to run, and the app is getting sluggish as a result.

What do you do?

Think about this seriously now. Put yourself in my shoes. All this code I just wrote is now slowing down to a halt, and you see the writing on the wall. The application server is going to crash.

What do you do?

You crash it first. Naturally.

Blame it on too many users joining at once; turn it into marketable material.

We did exactly that.

Obviously we didn't just crash it for the sake of crashing it. We crashed it so that we could increase the memory for the JVM, which was currently set at 2GB. Clearly not enough. We increased that number to 4GB and restarted the application server. The app was back up and running in just a few minutes.

JVM Overload

Okay, take a deep breath. We're good, right? We're good, we must be.

We were not.

The next fire approaches: the JVM is dropping requests because they are taking too long to process. Crap.

I know I need to rewrite some of the code that is most obviously causing the issues, but I can't keep killing the server myself and blaming it on overloading. One overload crash looks great, two looks ridiculous.

We had to wait until people went to bed to do any major work, but I had a plan. I was going to throw the application server behind an Apache HTTP Webserver load balancer. This would spread the dropped requests across multiple JVMs, hopefully increase the concurrency, and, most importantly, it would help me restart the JVM processes without our users knowing I was pushing updates. As one JVM turned off, those requests would just move to the others in the load balancer.

I started with two JVMs each with 4GB of RAM, and I pushed that update around 5am that night.

Smooth Sailing and Milestones

A few weeks has gone by since our launch and the days of putting out fires. The Apache HTTP Webserver loadbalancer was a fantastic idea and has let me make incremental updates to the code running on the server ever since.

Updates were made to the app, fixing UI bugs, disabling buttons after they were clicked, and other small UI bugs. It's now June, and we are nearing 1 million swipes on the platform. My partner and I joke we are going to celebrate popping a bottle of champagne over Zoom when it finally crosses the big number.

On June 2nd, we finally hit 1 million swipes. Things were looking good for RU Mine.

DDoS Attack

And it's slow again. What in the world is happening.

This is different this time. Definitely different.

Last time, the app was slow and sluggish, but the SSH terminal was fine, normal speed. That's not the case this time. Typing anything out is taking forever and the SSH pipe is routinely closing.

What in the world is going on?

I sign on to my datacentre's admin panel and WOW, THAT'S A LOT OF TRAFFIC. All in bound. Not calling anything in particular.

Oh crap, this is a DDoS attack.

What do you do in a DDoS attack? Get behind CloudFlare? Probably, but no time for that, you have a service to save!

I signed in on my iDrac port, which is on a different network from the main connection to the server, and started tweaking the firewall settings on the server to block the IPs.

In some combination of the firewall, probably our DNS provider, and the attackers losing interest, RU Mine was stable(-ish, we'll get to that) once again.

Crashing Servers

Wow, okay, so it's a little faster, but it's still not where it used to be. What's going on? Is it my imagination?

Nope, it's slower than it used to be.

Let's run some diagnostics on the server to see what's up.

Oh, lovely. The drives are on the brink of failure. But why? I had just gotten them.

No time to ask now, we post a quick outage notice and I run over to the datacentre to grab the machine myself to take a look. I copied all the data to backup drives and got to work.

This began a three month dark time for RU Mine, where the backend was totally offline and the service was unusable. I spent those three months figuring out what in the world could be the matter, and after weeks of searching and talking with sysadmins on Fiverr, I have my plausible answer.

The drives are Shingled Magnetic Recording, or SMR, drives. Basically, the data is written on to the drives like how shingles are placed onto a roof; small overlap ontop of each piece. Drive manufacturers started doing this to increase the density and lower the cost of consumer drives. They're okay for your average desktop, but when it comes to servers they are like mainlining poison. Especially servers equipped with ZFS, which mine was.

We've narrowed down the issue, now what is the cause? It's really hard to say for sure, but I have a theory given how SMR drives work. The way you write data to an SMR drive involves "lifting" the data sitting ontop of the data you need to modify/access, placing that into cache, modifying the data, then placing the cached data back onto the platter. SMR drives tend to have decently large caches for this reason; however, when data is consistently being modified, accessed, and written, much like how logs would be spitting data into files all across a file system under a DDoS attack, that available cache begins to run dry. When you run out of cache on the drive, you start getting really funky data. Now add ZFS running Raidz2 on top of all that, and you have a real messy situation. I think the DDoS put the final nail into the coffin for my SMR drives.

So what is the solution? I needed to purchase Perpendicular Magnetic Recording, or PMR, drives. These drives record the data more similar to brick walls, with each brick being placed in it's own space, not overlapping any other brick. They are accessed individually, and written one by one. You get less density for the disk, you pay more for the datacentre stamp-of-approval, but they just work. Do not make the same mistake as me, get PMR drives.

Version 2

Well, we've been gone for 3 months with basically no excuse. We can't just come back exactly the same as we left, we need to give people a reason to give us another chance.

We revamped the UI in what we called V2, which added new features like badges, interests, Spotify artists, and had many backend improvements, namely to how photos were being compressed. Our old method of a shell script was hacky at best, and produced even worse results for any image that wasn't the utmost best. My new system took advantage of ImageMagick, and was a chunk of code I took from another social network I was building and experimenting with at the time.

We launched version 2 and it was a big hit. The server worked, the app was quick, and everyone was happy.

We fixed a few bugs with a "shimmer" library causing crashing on select iOS devices, but nothing a few hot fixes couldn't repair.

RU Mine was back.


With our V2 launch, we wanted to pair it up with a line of baseball caps and touques (or beanies, for my American friends). We went through the process of finding a manufacturer, deciding on the design we wanted created, and fired them off to be produced in 2 large orders.

We got them delivered shortly after, and worked with a very talented Ryerson student, that doubled as a graphic designer and photographer, to do a photoshoot with some friends of mine. The pictures came out amazing, and we launched the store in October to much success.

We had a lot of orders in the first few days, and received some awesome emails from students that told us they had actually met their significant other on RU Mine and wanted to purchase the hats as a thank you.

We donated a portion of all the hat sales to the WWF to protect penguins. Pippy, our lovable penguin mascot, was very pleased with this news.

RU Friends

As soon as we had launched V2, we had already started work on what we were calling "RU Friends", a friend finder that was deisgned to help people make meaningful connections to peers at Ryerson. The long term vision was to turn this into a social network, but we started with a soft launch of just a general friend connector.

RU Friends took a few nights to develop and largely changed how the UI worked on the frontend. My partner debated a lot back and forth, and we ultimately decided on what you see in the images below.

RU Friends brought in a new technology, Neo4J, which I had been playing with a lot on my other social network at the time. We were using the graph to suggest friends based on mutuals, shared interests, classes, and hobbies. It worked great and it was a fantastic experience bringing a new technology to production in less than a month. Something I was not used to at work.

RU Friends launched on December 6th and was a big hit, with thousands of users migrating their dating profiles to friends, and hundreds more joining the service thereafter. We still offered the same great encrypted chatting that people loved, and a new opportunity to meet people.

Groups and Group Chats

Now it was time to leverage our audience and make a quick pivot into trying to become a social network. My idea was to introduce groups and group chats for courses, tutorials, labs, clubs, and councils, to help people find their community even though everyone was so disconnected with online school.

We built a really great service, still largely leaning on the graph database to track likes, comments, posts, groups and search. We tied it all up with what I would consider a very beautiful and intuitive UI. It worked really well, and for those that actually did use it, I think it was a big helping hand for them during online school. I won't mention exactly why, but let's just say professors emails were tracked and banned from using our app, and I wasn't planning to tell the school who may or may not have been using our app during exam hours.

None of my business, quite frankly!

Social Scoop

Around this same time, I called up one of my close friends and asked if he wanted to try to create a student-run media publication along with me. We were going to call it Social Scoop. He agreed, and we began coming up with programming for the platform.

We were able to get permission from our school to give out "creative practice hours" to students in programs requiring them, which was a win-win for us and the students working for us. They didn't have to work as free labour on some film set, and we didn't have to pay our content creators.

We had a couple of writers helping us out, including myself, and we had a podcast that ran biweekly. My friend largely managed the podcast, doing all the editing himself, while I focused more on the writing content. We worked with an absolutely fantastic podcast host that worked very hard to produce a show every two weeks for us. She made our lives significantly easier.

Unfortunately, Social Scoop didn't end up getting the traction we had hoped and we shut it down at the end of the semester.

Press (Again)

Around the time of our groups and group chat launch, we had been approached four times by student journalists; two from the largest student-run news outlet on campus, one from the outlet that ran our initial piece now a year prior, and the last one from the school's radio station.

The articles were all incredibly nice to us, and certainly helped us market groups and group chats as best as we could. They spoke very highly of our services, which reassured us despite our now slowing metrics.

RU Bot or Not, Valentine's Day 2021 Special

For our Valentine's Day event, we challenged the student body to answer a handful of questions leading up to Valentine's Day in an event we called RU Bot or Not. The premise was simple; we would collect answers from the student body for 10 or so days, then we would release a Turing-test like game on Valentine's Day where the student had to guess who was the human out of 3 chatters. If they guessed correctly, they got the human's Instagram handle.

This was a lot of fun to create. The questionnaire portion leading up to Valentine's Day was a few textareas stacked on top of eachother with some fancy web-UI to make it pop. The game itself has a fun story attached to it.

It's February 13th at around 5pm, and I have not even started developing the game. We are launching both Social Scoop and RU Bot or Not on the same day, and I have been focusing entirely on Social Scoop. Your friend asks you if you want to go and hang out with him and a few girls; what do you say? Sure, give me 5 minutes.

I get back home at 11pm, still without a single line of code written. I make myself a cup of coffee, something that had become a bit of ritual at 11pm while staring at RU Mine code, and get to work.

I worked throughout the entire night to get RU Bot or Not fully completed and tested by 8am. I scheduled it all on the server to enable access to the React app at noon, sent a message to my partner that it's done and I was headed to bed, and that was that.

I woke up at around 12:30pm, just after the game had launched, to hear it was a huge success. No errors, no bugs, everyone was just having fun.

Looking back, this night in particular may have been one of my fondest moments of the chaos that was RU Mine.

The Final Line

My focus shifted away from active development of RU Mine and towards other projects, including one of the hardest semesters of mechanical engineering at school, with my last real code related to the platform being RU Mine Analytics (or as I named it in a beyond tired state, RU Mine Analythics). It was a process that ran nightly to gather all of that days metrics, including everything from the number of messages sent across dating, friends, and group chats, how many new profiles for friends and dating were created, how many new posts, comments, likes, and groups, you name it. I had it all.

I began to help out some friends with charities they were passionate about and used our mailing list to raise awareness on their behalf.

At this point, the metrics weren't lying, RU Mine, RU Friends, Groups, and Group Chats were coming to a close. By the end of the semester, we had dropped from monumental heights we had prior, and it was at that point we decided to hang it up. We left the service running, and it has been running for nearly 2 years now without a hitch. The service was as stable as stable could be, but nobody was using it anymore.

To quote Robert Frost,

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Ryerson University, for which the "RU" in RU Mine and RU Friends has it's namesake, was renamed to Toronto Metropolitan University. Kinda sounds like a train station, but who am I to judge.

I graduated from Ryerson University just before TMU officially changed it's name, and with those two factors, RU Mine went from dawn down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.